Effects of an intervention aimed at reducing night waking and signaling in 6-12 month-old infants
2006 Hall WA, Saunders RA, Clauson M, Carty EM, Janssen PA. (2006). Effects of an intervention aimed at reducing night waking and signaling in 6- to 12-month-old infants. Behave Sleep Med, 4(4): 242-261. This quasi-experimental one-group pre- and posttest pilot study evaluated an intervention aimed at reducing night waking and signaling for infants between 6 […]
Early Labour Assessment and Support at Home Versus Telephone Triage: A randomized controlled trial
2006 Janssen PA, Still DK, Klein MC, Singer J, Carty EA, Liston RM, Zupancic JA. (2006). Early labour assessment and support at home versus telephone triage: A randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 108(6): 1463-1469. Abstract Objective: To compare rates of cesarean delivery among women who were triaged by obstetric nurses, either by telephone or […]
Physicians attidtudes towards midwifery in British Columbia
2002 Kornelsen J, Dahinten VS, Carty E, Gillespie EM. (2002). Physicians attitudes towards midwifery in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice, 1(1): 6-12. Abstract This study examines family physician’s attitudes towards midwives and the integration of midwifery into the health care system in British Columbia. Family physicians were surveyed 18 months […]
Mothers, babies, and communities: Centralizing maternity care exposes moether and babies to complications and endangers community sustainability
2002 Klein M, Johnston S, Christilaw J, Carty E. (2002). Mothers, babies, and communities: Centralizing maternity care exposes mothers and babies to complications and endangers community sustainability. Can Fam Physician, 48(7): 1177-9, 1183-5. Abstract Under budgetary strains, regional health authorities across Canada are looking to cut costs by restructuring and consolidating services. Often undertaken […]
On the road to collaboration: Nurses and newly regulated midwives in British Columbia
2003 Kornelsen J, Dahinten VS, Carty E. (2003). On the road to collaboration: Nurses and newly regulated midwives in British Columbia, Canada. J Midwifery Womens Health, 48(2): 126-132. Abstract This study describes some of the results of a survey conducted shortly after the introduction of midwives as a regulated and publicly funded provider within the […]