The UBC Bachelor of Midwifery degree (BMw) prepares students to perform essential midwifery skills after graduation. The curriculum is built around the Competencies of Registered Midwives published by the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM), and prepares graduates to write the Canadian Midwifery Registration Examination (CMRE).
All Midwifery courses with the prefix MIDW are restricted to students registered in the Midwifery Program. Candidates must complete two prerequisite courses, BIOL 153 (Human Biology) and WRDS 150 – Writing and Research in the Disciplines (Formerly ENGL 112 – Strategies for University Writing).
All courses are available in classrooms in Vancouver (BC Children and Women’s Hospital), Fraser Health (Surrey Memorial Hospital) or Victoria (Victoria General Hospital). Students will be cohorted in one of these three locations upon admission to the program for the entirety of their studies. During Year 1, students who live outside of the lower mainland have the option to study via video-conferencing through the Distributed Option in Midwifery Education (DOME). DOME students will travel to one of the three sites at least twice a year in Year 1 for intensive in-person coursework, depending on their cohort. All students are able to participate in coursework by teleconferencing during years 2, 3 and 4 when students are in clinical placements around British Columbia but will be required to attend in-person training and exams at their cohort locations as scheduled.
Students are required to complete a number of clinical placements in Years Two, Three, and Four, with at least one placement in a rural setting. Year 2 runs over three terms – Winter Term 1, Winter Term 2 and Early Summer Term 1. After completing clinical placement surveys, students are placed in a lottery for all clinical placements to determine their sessions.
Upon completing the program, students meet the BCCNM’s registration requirements for active practice as set by the BCCNM.
Clinical Placements
Students are required to complete several clinical placements in Years Two, Three, and Four. Please refer to Midwifery Clinical Placements and Clinical Placements Policies for a more detailed understanding of these clinical placements.
*June 2022 – Some course names and credits have been updated for the Academic year starting Fall 2022
Term One
MIDW 102 (3) Birth and its Meanings
An interdisciplinary study of pregnancy and childbirth drawing on and integrating the disciplines of psychology, sociology, anthropology, women’s studies, and cultural studies.
MIDW 103 (3) Applied Health Sciences for Maternity Providers
Introduction to diagnostics related to cellular and humoral immune responses in pregnant women and newborns, the properties of viruses, epidemiology, the principles of bacterial pathogenesis, and related physiologic responses.
MIDW 104 (3) Lactation and Infant Feeding for Maternity Care Providers (Formerly Lactation Consultation for Maternity Care Providers)
Breastfeeding physiology, pathophysiology, and strategies for support of the dyad based on best-practice principles. Discussion of major Canadian and international initiatives for the support and protection of breastfeeding.
MIDW 106 (3) Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
Physiology of conception, pregnancy, lactation, fetal growth, labour, birth, transition to extra-uterine life, postpartum. A series of lectures and lab sessions.
MIDW 107 (3) Physical Assessment
Principles of physical assessment, physical and psychological assessment of the mother and neonate. A series of lectures and clinical lab sessions.
UBC Health Integrated Curriculum Modules and Discussions
Term Two
MIDW 101 (3) Counselling for Maternity Care Providers
Theory, knowledge, strategies, and skills of person-centred counselling, including family systems, trauma theory, grief counselling, motivational interviewing skills, self-awareness and mindfulness, inter-professional communication, and cultural competency in continuity of care.
MIDW 108 (5) Theoretical Foundations for Midwifery Practice
Scope of practice of a midwife, regulatory framework, skills for basic midwifery practice. A series of lectures and clinical lab sessions.
MIDW 115 (3) Research Methods for Midwives*
Research designs used in midwifery research, types of studies reported in the midwifery and health care literature, research methodology and basic principles of epidemiology, biostatistics and social research. *Students with a demonstrated background in research methodologies and practice may be granted an exemption.
MIDW 120 (3) Midwifery and Social Justice
Explores a variety of social justice frameworks and issues that arise in midwifery care, and engages students as active participants in knowledge-production.
MIDW 125 (3) Pharmacology for Maternity Care Providers
An overview of basic concepts in pharmacology, pharmacy, and therapeutics relevant to the practice of midwifery in Canada.
UBC Health Integrated Curriculum Modules and Discussions
Term One
MIDW 200 (6) Midwifery Clinical Care - Antepartum, Postpartum and Newborn (Formerly Introduction to Midwifery Clinical Care)
Clinical care of women experiencing normal pregnancy, labour, birth, and puerperium. Clinical education experiences in preventative and therapeutic midwifery care with emphasis on prenatal and postnatal midwifery care. Clinical practice education opportunities within the province.
MIDW 201 (9) Midwifery Theory for Antepartum, Postpartum, and Newborn Care (Formerly 3 CR - Clinical Skills for Midwifery Practice)
Online situation-based learning tutorials occurring simultaneously with MIDW 200 clinical placement.
MIDW 210 (3) Evidence-Informed Midwifery (Formerly MIDW 110)
Principles of evidence-informed midwifery, what counts as evidence? Making sense of the evidence, applying the evidence in practice.
UBC Health Integrated Curriculum Modules and Discussions
Term Two
MIDW 215 (1) Ethics in Midwifery Care (Formerly 2 CR)
Ethics using ethical theory in health care and midwifery.
MIDW 230 (6) Midwifery Theory for Primary Care (Formerly MIDW 205)
Care of normal pregnancy, labour, birth, and puerperium with an emphasis on the intrapartum period and assessment and management skills. Includes a four-week intensive session in Vancouver, a series of online tutorials, and simulation and skills lab practice.
MIDW 240 (9) Midwifery Clinical Care - Intrapartum and Postpartum (Formerly Core Midwifery Clinical Care)
Clinical education experiences with the preventative and therapeutic midwifery care of normal pregnancy, labour, birth, and puerperium with an emphasis on the intrapartum period and assessment and management skills. A clinical practicum in locations around the province.
UBC Health Integrated Curriculum Modules and Discussions
Term One
MIDW 305 (6) Midwifery Theory for Variations in Primary Care
Theoretical principles of care for pregnancy, birth, and the puerperium with an emphasis on the recognition and management of variations of normal and findings outside of normal. Consists of a one-week intensive time in Vancouver, during which emergency skills certification is acquired, and weekly web-based tutorials.
MIDW 310 (5-over two terms) Primary Research Directed Studies (Formerly Senior Research Project)
An original piece of scholarship that builds on knowledge and skills acquired from coursework and in consultation with faculty mentors. *This course is only available to students who were granted an exemption from MIDW 115 in first year. Students must submit an email of interest if they want to register for this course and be approved by the course lead.
MIDW 320 (11) Midwifery Clinical Care - Variations of Normal (Formerly 10 CR - Variations in Midwifery Clinical Care)
Clinical education experiences with the preventative and therapeutic midwifery care of pregnancy, birth, and the puerperium. Emphasis on the recognition and management of variations of normal and findings outside normal. A 10-week practicum in locations around the province.
MIDW 326 (2) Dialogue and Decisions: Advancing Person-centred Care
In the introductory module, Person-Centred Care, learners from different professions will explore how a culture of dialogue and choice facilitates healthy outcomes across birth settings. The subsequent modules address core topics in Communication and Teamwork, as well as the more advanced topic of Interprofessional Conflict Transformation. Shared Decision Making and Collaborative Leadership are concepts threaded throughout the course and applied to simulations at the completion of the course.
Term Two
MIDW 310 (5-over two terms) Primary Research Directed Studies (Formerly Senior Research Project)
Continued from Term One.
MIDW 322 (8) Midwifery Primary Care Clinical (Formerly Midwifery Primary Care)
A clinical course focusing on the consolidation of skills and knowledge of all aspects of midwifery care.
MIDW 325 (2) Professional Issues in Midwifery
Professional issues in Midwifery including responsibilities and conduct, self-care, peer review, inter-professional relations and communication, legal and business concepts and continuous quality assurance and improvement in practice. A series of real-time video conference lectures and asynchronous and synchronous online coursework delivered over two terms. This course is delivered entirely remotely while learners are in clinical placement.
MIDW 326 (2) Dialogue and Decisions: Advancing Person-centred Care
In the introductory module, Person-Centred Care, learners from different professions will explore how a culture of dialogue and choice facilitates healthy outcomes across birth settings. The subsequent modules address core topics in Communication and Teamwork, as well as the more advanced topic of Interprofessional Conflict Transformation. Shared Decision Making and Collaborative Leadership are concepts threaded throughout the course and applied to simulations at the completion of the course.
*This course is offered in Terms 1 and Summer Term. Midwifery students are required to take it one time (timing dependent on Term 3 course selection).
*Open to non-midwifery students.
MIDW 360 (3) Global Maternal Infant Health Theory
A theory course exploring issues related to global maternal and infant health. Topics include: social and economic determinants of maternal and fetal health worldwide, innovative public health strategies to reducing maternal and infant mortality and morbidity, the impact of conflict on the health of birthing people and babies, and ethical considerations related to global clinical placements and medical tourism. This course is required preparation for MIDW 370, but students can also take this course on its own.
*Prerequisite to MIDW 370 for midwifery students.
*Open to non-midwifery students at the discretion of the course lead (MIDW 370 is not).
Term (Summer)
Students must take one of the following course offerings:
MIDW 350 Inter-Professional Placement
Various placements with health professions that partner with midwives to care for childbearing families within the province. Students have three registration options for MIDW 350:
MIDW 350B - (12 CR) - Students who have NOT registered for MIDW 360 (optional) will complete 12 weeks of MIDW 350.
MIDW 350C - (9 CR) - Students who have registered for MIDW 360 (3 CR) are only required to complete 9 weeks of MIDW 350.
MIDW 370 (9) + *pre-requisite MIDW 360 (3) Global Maternal Infant Health Placement
Clinical placement focusing on providing care in a low-resource setting. Four to six (4-6) weeks are spent in placements outside North America, in predetermined locations where Midwifery Program partnerships exist. Students work with support and supervision from Midwifery Program faculty for these placements. The current location for MIDW 370 is Nepal (as of 2023). MIDW 370 students must also complete a 2-4 week placement with an OB or GP-OB in BC to solidify learning in the BC context.
MIDW 380 (10) Midwifery in Special Contexts
Clinical course providing the opportunity to study midwifery in contexts beyond those usually offered by the program. Students select a context and provide a rationale for how the context will enhance their learning.
*Students must 1) attain permission from the Undergraduate Program Lead and 2) identify a faculty member to act as their Course Lead in order to register for this course.
Term One
MIDW 405 (3) Theory for Advanced Midwifery Care (Formerly Advanced Topics in Midwifery Theory and Practice)
Theoretical principles for midwifery care of pregnancy, labour, birth, newborns, and the puerperium. Emphasis on assessment and management skills for abnormal situations. Includes a five-day intensive session in Vancouver, a series of online tutorials, and lab practice.
MIDW 420 (12) Midwifery Clinical Care - Abnormal and Unexpected Conditions
Clinical education for midwifery care of pregnancy, birth, and the puerperium with an emphasis on abnormal situations in pregnancy, labour and birth, and in newborns. Clinical practicum around the province.
Term Two
MIDW 435 (4) Comprehensive Midwifery Theory and Practice
In-depth review of the theoretical principles and evidence basis for comprehensive midwifery care. Tutorials carried out in an online live classroom setting.
MIDW 440 (13) Clinical Clerkship
Students assume a primary care role in clinical placements in midwifery practices across the provinces. Demonstration of independent decision making and application of the full range of their academic knowledge to professional practice. A practicum under the supervision of a registered midwife.
UBC Health Integrated Curriculum Interprofessional Education
Under the umbrella of UBC Health, the health professional programs at the University of British Columbia have implemented an integrated approach to health professional education that supports learning that is unique to each profession; seeks economies of scale for foundational knowledge common to all programs through technology; creates relevant opportunities for interprofessional learning in complex areas of healthcare; and supports programs to meet accreditation standards related to interprofessional education in a meaningful way (interprofessional competencies shown in surrounding spheres) around content areas that benefit from a collaborative approach (shown in the inner circle of the diagram).
Key principles are integrated throughout each activity (shown in the outside circle of the diagram). Integrated topics are delivered in an order that makes sense and builds learning across sessions. The integrated curriculum is designed to ensure interprofessional learning is not an add-on, but a meaningful, required component of students’ programs.
The National Interprofessional Competency Framework, developed by the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative, was used as a foundation for the development of the Integrated Curriculum. UBC, through the College of Health Disciplines, contributed to the development of this framework (Bainbridge et al., 2010), particularly through the development of the BC Interprofessional Competency Framework (Wood et al., 2009) that was used as a basis for the National Framework. The National Framework identifies six competency domains: Interprofessional Communication; Patient-Centred Care; Role Clarification; Team Functioning; Conflict Management; and Collaborative Leadership. The goal of the Integrated Curriculum is to ensure that all health professional students at UBC build each of these competencies.
Bainbridge, L., Nasmith, L., Orchard, C., & Wood, V. (2010). Competencies for interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 24(1), 6-11.
Wood, V., Flavell, A., Vanstolk, D., Bainbridge, L., & Nasmith, L. (2009). The road to collaboration: Developing an interprofessional competency framework. Journal of interprofessional care, 23(6), 621-629.