Megan Arbour PhD, CNM, CNE, FACNM

Megan Arbour, PhD, CNM, CNE, FACNM, is a certified nurse-midwife and certified nursing educator with a passion for teaching graduate nursing and midwifery students.  She grew up in rural western Maine and was an elementary music teacher prior to attending midwifery and nursing school at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.  Her clinical practice involved work at several underserved clinics in Columbus, Ohio, providing midwifery care to those who were unable to access care elsewhere in the impoverished urban location. After 10 years of teaching and leading the midwifery program at the University of Cincinnati, Megan joined the faculty of Frontier Nursing University, where she currently works as an Associate Professor of nursing.  It brings her great joy when students demonstrate skill in understanding, synthesizing, and applying scientific evidence in their clinical practice. Through the journey of life, Megan’s passion for trauma-informed teaching and recognizing disability as diversity has grown. She is honoured to share this passion with you. Megan lives in Ohio with her husband, 3 children, and many pets.