Indigenous Midwifery Coordinator
Katia Mordak is a Spune’luxutth/Scottish/English Registered Midwife who completed her midwifery education at The University of British Columbia in 2022 following studies/joint major in psychology and gender, sexuality and women’s studies at Simon Fraser University. Katia is currently a practicing Midwife on the beautiful, traditional and unceded territory of Ligwiłda’xw people, the We Wai Kai, Wei Wai Kum, Kwiakah, Homalco and K’omoks First Nations. Katia was called to Midwifery during her earlier post-secondary studies as it felt like the missing piece of care that she wished her Indigenous mother had in her strong and beautiful stories of bringing her and her siblings into the world and what she wished for when bringing her own children into the world. Supporting and encouraging the growth and sustainability of Indigenous Midwifery will remain a focus of her path.
“I feel fortunate to take on this role as Indigenous Student Coordinator for being able to offer my support to Indigenous midwifery students and the Midwifery Program at UBC as it feels full circle in a way of honoring the support that I had.” ~Katia