Midwifery Program Leadership
Program Director (Interim): Cecilia Jevitt
Lead, Undergraduate Program: Allison Campbell
Lead, Internationally Educated Midwives Bridging Program (IEMBP): Jane Wines
Lead, Clinical Skills and Simulation: Jennifer Nguyen
Lead, Fraser Cohort: Lindsay Brimblecomb
Lead, Vancouver Island Cohort: Valerie Simmons
Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Kim Campbell
Allison Campbell
RM, MA(she/her/hers)Associate Professor of Teaching -
Ann Lovold
RM(she/her/hers)IEMBP – Clinical Administrator -
Cathy Ellis
BFA, RM, MSc, PhD(she/her/hers)Associate Professor of Teaching Emerita -
Cecilia Duran
RM, CNM, WHNP(she/her/hers)Lecturer, 3rd Year Lead Faculty -
Cecilia M. Jevitt
PhD, CNM, APRN, FACNM, RM (non-practicing)(she/her/hers)Professor (Interim Program Director) -
Elaine Carty
MSN, CNM, DSc (hc)Professor Emerita -
Hamideh Bayrampour
PhD, MScAssociate Professor -
Jane Wines
RM, MSc(she/her/hers)Lecturer, Lead, (IEMBP) -
Jennifer Nguyen
RM, MSc(she/her/hers)Assistant Professor of Teaching & Lead, Clinical Skills and Simulation Lab -
Kim Campbell
RM, MNAssociate Professor of Teaching Midwifery CPD -
Lindsay Brimblecombe
RMAssistant Professor of Teaching -
Luba Butska
RM, PhDAssociate Professor of Teaching -
Natalie Johnson
RMLecturer -
Saraswathi Vedam
RM, PhD, FACNM, Sci D (hc)Professor, Lead Investigator, Birth Place Lab MSFHR Health Professional Investigator -
Valerie Simmons
RM, RN, MALecturer, Vancouver Island Cohort