Tanya Momtazian


Clinical Instructor

Representative, Faculty of Medicine Clinical Faculty Committee

Email: tanya.momtazian@ubc.ca



  • Three-year term (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2027) and eligible for renewal.  
  • Meetings are approximately every two months and at the call of the chair.   
  • All members are expected to attend all meetings in person, via videoconference, or by phone. 


  • Represents the interests of Clinical Faculty across the province.     
  • Works to foster and promote career development initiatives and opportunities for Clinical Faculty.     
  • Identifies issues of concern to Clinical Faculty and develops and recommends actions to address them.    
  • Supports the interprofessional mandate of the Faculty of Medicine by hearing and considering perspectives from all faculty of Medicine programs. 
  • Communicates information on relevant Faculty of Medicine initiatives to Clinical Faculty members in their Departments/Schools/Programs.    
  • Discusses academic and administrative changes arising in the Faculty of Medicine and considers the potential impacts of them
  • On Clinical Faculty and gathers input from Clinical Faculty regarding that potential impact. 

Tanya is a rural midwife living and working in the West Kootenays since 2007.  She helped establish the first BC collaborative rural maternity clinic in 2014 and has held numerous leadership roles within the region.  Tanya has an MPH (2011) from Johns Hopkins University, a BSc (2004), and BMw (2007) from UBC. Currently, Tanya is Chair of the Board of the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM), which regulates over 70,000 health professionals.  She has been a preceptor to many students over the years and has had various tutoring roles with UBC MW.  Tanya loves the nature and culture of the Sinixt, Sylix and Ktunaxa lands where she resides and cherishes the time spent with her family, enjoying everything the region has to offer.  

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