Strengthening Mothers Through Perinatal Research Award


The Strengthening Mothers Through Perinatal Research Award is not available for 2024. Please keep monitoring this website for updates on the Award process for 2025.

A $1,650 award is offered annually by Beverley O’Brien for graduate students pursuing research into woman-centred, holistic and physiologic maternity care. Beverley O’Brien is a UBC Nursing alumna, Professor Emerita in the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Nursing, and a Registered Midwife. Graduate students who are registered in any UBC graduate program are eligible to apply for this Graduate Student award. There is a strong preference for this award to go to a nurse or midwife pursuing graduate work. The focus of the graduate work must be on strengthening mothers through the development of research evidence. All applicants must be in good academic standing with the University and must be making satisfactory progress toward their degree as defined by the UBC Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. For more information: