Policies and Procedures

All UBC students are required to follow and abide by UBC Campus-wide Policies and Regulations. In addition to these, the policies and guidelines outlined in this section apply to all students registered in the UBC Midwifery Program and IEMBP Program. 

Student Code of Conduct 

UBC Student Services summarizes The Student Code of Conduct, which sets out the standards of conduct expected of UBC students, which the program echoes. In accordance with the UBC Respectful Environment Statement, all members of this community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that contributes positively to an environment in which respect, civility, diversity, opportunity, and inclusiveness are valued to assure the success of both the individual and the community. The Student Code of Conduct reflects a concern for these values and tries to ensure that members of UBC and the public can make use of and enjoy the activities, facilities, and benefits of UBC without undue interference from others. The entire Student Code of Conduct is available in the Policies and Regulations section of the UBC Vancouver Academic Calendar under Student Conduct and Discipline

UBC Professional Standards

Please review the Professional standards for learners and faculty members in the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry (2013). These Professional Standards include a standard of conduct “to ensure that all communications on the internet and social media are respectful and meet the same level of professionalism as would be expected in direct or other written communications with and about colleagues, instructors, learners, and patients.” 

UBC Faculty of Medicine’s core values underscore the community’s need to ensure communications are free of hate speech, bullying, harassment, racism, and all forms of discrimination, including antisemitism and Islamophobia. Please see the community update from Dermot Kelleher, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and Vice-President of Health, UBC, that was sent to all faculty, staff, and students in February 2024.