Since graduating alongside an extraordinary group of midwives in UBC’s inaugural Bachelor of Midwifery class in 2005, I’ve wanted to find meaningful ways to support positive and professional midwifery education. My own education included eye-opening clinical placements in Prince George, Vancouver, and Campbell River and I’m honoured to now work alongside some of my favourite mentors.
I enjoy instructing Fetal Health Surveillance, Neonatal Resuscitation, MESP, and ALARM. I value ongoing interprofessional development and have worked closely with the Justice Institute of BC to enhance pre-hospital perinatal training for the Advanced Care Paramedic program. I believe that pregnancy and birth can be normal and extraordinary at the same time; a belief reaffirmed when I had my twins in 2009. I also think that, when given adequate information, a pregnant person will have the tools to make the decisions that are right for them and their family. I feel fortunate to be involved in the evidence-informed, comprehensive, and compassionate education of BC’s future midwives and change-makers.
UBC Bachelor of Midwifery
UBC Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Clinical Education
Instructor, Neonatal Resuscitation Program, CPS
Instructor, Fetal Heatlh Surveillance, SOGC
Instructor, ALARM, SOGC Instructor, MESP, UBC CPD
Professional Affiliations
Midwives Association of BC General Registrant
BC College of Nurses and Midwives
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