2020 – Dr. Shawn Walker

The UBC Midwifery Program is excited to welcome Shawn Walker, RM, PhD to Vancouver and Victoria! Dr. Walker is a Midwifery Lecturer and Researcher at King’s College London, a Breech Specialist Midwife at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Trust and the Director of Breech Birth Network, CIC. Her research focuses on how maternity care professionals develop competence and confidence to facilitate physiological breech births. Clinically, she has worked in all midwifery settings – labour wards, freestanding and alongside birth centres, and home births. She pioneered the role of Breech Specialist Midwife in 2012.

Her research focus on breech birth is part of a wider interest in complex normality – working with obstetric colleagues to enable women at moderate and high risk to birth and bond physiologically where possible. She provides teaching, consultancy and breech support across the UK and internationally.

Follow Shawn on her Blog: breechbirth.org.uk


FREE PUBLIC LECTURE: Physiological Breech Birth: Building Global Capacity
Dr. Walker will present her research and advocacy for supporting upright vaginal breech birth.

Date: Wednesday, Februray 12, 2020
Time: 7:00-8:30 pm
Location: Chan Centre Auditorium, BC Women’s Hospital, 950 W 28th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
See map for directions (#18, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute)


OR to attend via videoconferencing, please register here https://doodle.com/poll/4qgd5ga8qkcfz5b3

Videoconferencing sites:

SiteVC Hospital Room Location  SiteVC Hospital Room Location
AbbotsfordARH  Baker 1 North VancouverLGH 2512
Campbell RiverCRH 2609 PentictonDKT 3003
ChilliwackCGH  ICU -2 Port Hardy*Contact Marijke de Zwager
ComoxCVH  2632 Prince GeorgeUHNBC 5005
Cranbrook *Contact Sivan Bar Sever for room RichmondRH  1763
Dawson Creek*Contact Sonje Juul for room Salt Spring Island*Contact Erin Price for room
KamloopsRIH  CSB 01404 SurreySMH  M-3.526
KelownaKGH  CAC 237 VernonVJH  5-169
NanaimoNRGH  2060 VictoriaVGH   1916
NelsonKLH 416 Williams Lake *CMH    lauren.munro@interiorhealth.ca