Bayrampour, Hamideh

PhD, MSc

Associate Professor


Phone: 604-827-1917

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Dr. Bayrampour is an Assistant Professor in Midwifery Program, Department of Family Practice, an associate member in the School of Population and Public Health and a faculty member in Reproductive and Developmental Sciences program at UBC.

Dr. Bayrampour’s research interests are in the areas of maternal mental health and substance use and pregnancy outcomes. She is particularly interested in maternal anxiety and its assessment during the perinatal period. She has research expertise in conducting systematic reviews, quantitative and qualitative research, mixed methods studies, and concept and trajectory analysis. Currently, Dr. Bayrampour leads three projects: Pregnancy Specific Anxiety Scale (funded by CIHR), Prenatal cannabis exposure and child outcomes (funded by CIHR), and Birth outcomes associated with Home birth after Cesarean Birth (funded by Stollery award).



MIDW 110 Critical Appraisal of the Literature
MIDW 310 Senior Research Project


Research Interests

Maternal mental health, pregnancy outcomes, high risk pregnancy, perception of risk, epidemiology, qualitative research, systematic reviews

ResearchGate | PubMed

Publications and Presentations

(a) Journals

Bayrampour, H., Trieu, J. Tharmaratnam, T. eHealth Interventions to Manage Perinatal Anxiety: A Systematic Review (accepted). Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

Bayrampour, H., Zahradnik, M., Lisonkova, S., Janssen, P. Women’s perspectives about cannabis use during pregnancy and the postpartum period: An integrative review. Preventive Medicine (2019). 119. 17-23.

Bayrampour, H., Vinturache, A., Hetherington, E., Lorenz, D., Tough, S. Risk Factors of Antenatal anxiety: A systematic review. (2018). Journal of Infant and Reproductive Psychology. 36. 476-503.

Hetherington, E., Tough, S., McNeil, D., Bayrampour, H., Metcalfe, A. (2018). Vulnerable Women Report: Positive Patient Experience with Group Prenatal Care. Maternal and Child Health Journal.

Bayrampour, H.Hapsari, P. Pavlovic, J. Barriers to addressing perinatal mental health issues in midwifery settings (2018). Midwifery.

Bayrampour, H., McNeil, D.A., Benzies, K., Salmon, C., Gelb, K., Tough, S. (2017) Pregnant Women’s Preferences for Mental Health Screening. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth. 17:339.

Richmond, A. Hetherington, E., McNeil, D., Bayrampour, H., Tough, S., Metcalfe, A. (2017) The Impact of Introducing Centering Pregnancy in a Community Health Setting: A Qualitative Study of Experiences and Perspectives of Health Center Clinical and Support Staff. Maternal Child Health J(2017) 21:1327–1335

Tomfohr, L., Bayrampour, H., & Tough, S. (2016) Maternal History of Childhood Abuse and Risk of Asthma and Allergy in 2-Year-Old Children. Psychosomatic Medicine. 18(9):1031-1042

Bayrampour, H., Tomfohr, L., & Tough, S. (2016) Trajectories of Perinatal Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in a Community Cohort. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 77(11):e1467-e1473

Pujadas Botey, A., Vinturache, A., Bayrampour, H., Breitkreuz, R., Bukutu, B., Gibbard, B., Tough, S. (2016) Adults’ knowledge of child development in Alberta, Canada: Comparing the level of knowledge of adults in two samples in 2007 and 2013. Child Care in Practice.

Pujadas Botey, Bayrampour, H., Carson, V., A., Vinturache, A., Tough, S. (2016) Adherence to Canadian physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines among children 2 to 13 years of age. Prev Med Rep. 3:14–20

Bayrampour, H.Ali, E., McNeil, D.A., Benzies, K., MacQueen, G., Tough, S. (2016) Concept Analysis of Pregnancy-Related Anxiety. International Journal of Nursing Studies.55:115-30

McDonald, S., Kehler, H., Bayrampour, H., Fraser-Lee, N., Tough, S. (2016) Risk and protective factors in early child development: Results from the All Our Babies (AOB) pregnancy cohort. Research in Developmental Disabiliites.58:20-30

Kania-Richmond, A., Hetherington, E., McNeil, D., Bayrampour, H., Tough, S., Metcalfe, A. (2016) The impact of introducing Centering Pregnancy in a community health setting – A qualitative study of experiences and perspectives of health center clinical and support staff. Maternal and Child Health Journal.

Bayrampour, H., Salmon, C., Vinturache, A. Tough, S. (2015) The effect of depression and anxiety during pregnancy on the risk of obstetric interventions. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 41(7):1040-8.

Vinturache, A., Stephenson, N., McDonald, S.W., Wu, M., Bayrampour, H., Tough, S.C. (2015) Health-related quality of life in pregnancy and postpartum among women with assisted conception. Fertility and Sterility. (Epub ahead of print)

McDonald SW, Kingston D, Bayrampour H, Tough, S. (2015). Adverse Childhood Experiences in Alberta, Canada: a population based study Cumulative psychosocial risk and preterm birth: the role of resilience factors. Medical Research Archives. No. 3

Bayrampour, H., McDonald, S., Tough, S. Risk factors of transient and persistent anxiety during pregnancy (2015). Midwifery. 31(6):582-9.

Lobchuk, M., McClement, S., Rigney, M., Copeland, A., Bayrampour, H. (2015) A Qualitative Analysis of “Naturalistic” Conversations in a Peer-Led Online Support Community for Lung Cancer. Cancer Nursing. 38(5):E21-31

Bayrampour, H., Tomfohr, L., & Tough, S. (2015) Trajectories of Perinatal Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in a Community Cohort. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

Bayrampour, H. Ali, E., McNeil, D.A., Benzies, K., MacQueen, G., Tough, S. (2015) Concept Analysis of Pregnancy-Related Anxiety. International Journal of Nursing Studies

Bayrampour, H., Salmon, C., Vinturache, A. Tough, S. (2015) The effect of depression and anxiety during pregnancy on the risk of obstetric interventions. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 41(7):1040-8.

Vinturache, A., Stephenson, N., McDonald, S.W., Wu, M., Bayrampour, H., Tough, S.C. (2015) Health-related quality of life in pregnancy and postpartum among women with assisted conception. Fertility and Sterility. (Epub ahead of print)

McDonald SW, Kingston D, Bayrampour H, Tough, S. (2015). Adverse Childhood Experiences in Alberta, Canada: a population based study Cumulative psychosocial risk and preterm birth: the role of resilience factors. Medical Research Archives. No. 3

Bayrampour, H., McDonald, S., Tough, S. Risk factors of transient and persistent anxiety during pregnancy (2015). Midwifery. 31(6):582-9.

McDonald SW, Kingston D, Bayrampour H, Dolan S, Tough, S. (2014) Cumulative psychosocial risk and preterm birth: the role of resilience factors. Archives of Women’s Mental Health. 17(6):559-68

Bayrampour, H., McDonald, S., Fung, T., Tough, S. (2014) Reliability and Validity of Three Shortened Versions of the State Anxiety Inventory Scale during the Perinatal Period. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. 35(3): 101–107

Lobchuk, M., McClement, S., Rigney, M., Copeland, A., Bayrampour, H., Lazar, S. (2014) Content analysis of a safe on-line haven for individuals affected by lung cancer. Cancer Nursing. Sep 24.

Bayrampour, H., Heaman, M., Duncan, K.A., & Tough, S. (2013) Predictors of perception of pregnancy risk among nulliparous women. JOGNN. 42 (4):416-27.

Bayrampour, H., Heaman, M., Duncan, K.A., & Tough, S. (2012) Advanced maternal age and risk perception: A qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 12 (100) (Highly accessed).

Heaman, M., Bayrampour, H., Kingston, D., Blondel, B., Gissler, M., Roth, C., Alexander, S., & Gagnon, A. (2012) Migrant women’s utilization of prenatal care: A systematic review. Maternal Child Health Journal. 17 (5), 816-36.

Bayrampour, H., Heaman, M., Duncan, K.A., & Tough, S. (2012) Comparison of perception of pregnancy risk of nulliparous women of advanced maternal age and younger age. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. 57 (5). 445-53.

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2011) Comparison of demographic and obstetric characteristics of Canadian primiparous women of advanced maternal age and younger women. JOGC. 33 (8), 820–829.

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2010). Advanced maternal age and the risk of cesarean birth: A systematic review. Birth. 37 (3), 219-226.

Bayrampour, H., Noroozi, M., Abedi, H.A., (2006) Body image during pregnancy. Isfahan Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal. 31(1), 41-48.

(b) Conference Proceedings

Bayrampour, H., McDonald, S., Fung, T., Tough, S. (2014) Reliability and Validity of Three Shortened Versions of the State Anxiety Inventory Scale during the Perinatal Period. International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Meeting.

Bayrampour, H., Vinturache, A., Salmon, C., Tough, S. (2014) Risk Factors of Antenatal Anxiety: A Systematic Review. International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Meeting.

Bayrampour, H., Ali, E., Tough, S. (2014) Concept Analysis of Antenatal Anxiety. International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Meeting.

Pujadas Botey, A., Bukutu, C. Gibbard, W.B., MacLellan, K., Bayrampour, H., Vinturache, A. Slater, D., Breitkreuz, R., Sakaluk-Moody, L., Lynch, S., Tough, S. (2014). Physical activity and screen time guidelines for preschoolers: The relationship to information sources. Archives of Disease in Childhood 99: A114. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2014-307384.303

Pujadas Botey, A., Bukutu, C. Gibbard, W.B., MacLellan, K., Bayrampour, H., Vinturache, A.
Slater, D., Breitkreuz, R., Sakaluk-Moody, L., Lynch, S., Tough, S. (2014). What adults know about child development in Alberta, Canada: Implications for health services. Archives of Disease in Childhood 99:A203. Doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2014-307384.549

Bayrampour, H., McDonald, S., Gagnon, L., Tough, S. (2014) Risk factors of transient and persistent anxiety during pregnancy. North American Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynecology 2014 Annual Meeting. (p.8).

Bayrampour, H., McDonald, S., Tough, S. (2013) Risk factors of newly onset anxiety during pregnancy. Book of Abstracts: 26th Annual Meeting of Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research (SPER) (p.114).

Bayrampour, H., McDonald, S., Gagnon, L., Tough, S. (2013) Risk factors of newly onset anxiety during pregnancy. Book of Abstracts: Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute Symposium (p.21).

Bayrampour, H., Heaman, M., Duncan, K.A., & Tough, S. (2012) Predictors of perception of pregnancy risk among nulliparous women. Book of Abstracts: 25th Annual Meeting of Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research (SPER)

Bayrampour, H., Heaman, M., Duncan, K.A., & Tough, S. (2012) Predictors of perception of pregnancy risk among nulliparous women. Book of Abstracts: 45th Annual Meeting of Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER)
Bayrampour, H., Heaman, M., Duncan, K.A., & Tough, S. (2012) Predictors of perception of pregnancy risk among nulliparous women. Book of Abstracts: 20th Annual Western Perinatal Research Meeting

Bayrampour, H., Heaman, M., Duncan, K.A., & Tough, S. (2011) Comparison of perception of pregnancy risk of nulliparous women of advanced maternal age and younger age. The Canadian Association of Perinatal and Women’s Health Nurses (CAPWHN), 1st National Conference. October, 2011

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2010). Advanced maternal age and risk perception: A qualitative study. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Canada 21th National Conference. Montreal, October 2010.

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2009). Comparison of demographic and obstetric characteristics of Canadian primiparous women at advanced maternal age to younger women. Book of Abstracts: The 5th Annual Child Health Research Day Symposium. Winnipeg, November 12, 2009 (abstract No. 20).

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2009). Comparison of demographic and obstetric characteristics of Canadian primiparous women at advanced maternal age to younger women. Book of Abstracts: The 9th Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Midwives. Winnipeg, November 5, 2009 (p.38).

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2009). Advanced maternal age and the risk of cesarean birth: A systematic review. Book of Abstracts: The 9th Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Midwives. Winnipeg, November 5, 2009 (p.27).

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2009). Comparison of demographic and obstetric characteristics of Canadian primiparous women at advanced maternal age to younger women. Book of Abstracts: Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Canada 20th National Conference (p.38).

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2009). Advanced maternal age and the risk of cesarean birth: A systematic review. Book of Abstracts: Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Canada 20th National Conference (p.30)

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2009). Advanced maternal age and the risk of cesarean birth: A systematic review. Book of Abstract: 17th Annual Western Perinatal Research Meeting (p.56)

Bayrampour, H., Noroozi, M., Abedi, H.A. (2008). Body image during pregnancy among Iranian women. Book of Abstracts: XXI European Congress of Perinatal Medicine. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 21, Suppl. 1, 209.

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2008). Advanced maternal age and the risk of cesarean birth: A systematic review. Book of Abstracts: XXI European Congress of Perinatal Medicine. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 21, Suppl. 1, 63.

Heaman, M., Bayrampour, H., Gagnon, A., Gissler, M., Zimbeck, M., Alexander, S., & Blondel, B. (2008). Migrant women’s utilization of prenatal care: A systematic review. 2nd Conference of Migrant Health in Europe: Program and abstract book (p. 54).

Bayrampour, H., Noroozi, M., Abedi, H.A. (2008). Body image during pregnancy among Iranian women. Book of Abstracts: 16th Annual Western Perinatal Research Meeting (p.62)

Bayrampour, H., & Heaman, M. (2008). Advanced maternal age and the risk of cesarean birth: A systematic review. Book of Abstracts: Manitoba Institute of Child Health 4th Annual Child Health Research Day (p.48)

Bayrampour, H., Noroozi, M., Abedi, H.A. (2008). Body experiences during pregnancy. Book of Abstracts: Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Canada 19th National Conference (p.47)

Bayrampour, H., Noroozi, M., Abedi, H.A. (2008). Sexual function during pregnancy: A qualitative approach. Book of Abstracts: AWHONN Canada 19th National Conference (p.45)

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