Farewell, Tracey Mason!

In October 2021, we congratulated Tracey Mason, the program’s Administrative Coordinator and right arm to program directors, on her induction into the UBC 25-Year Club and being the longest UBC employee within Midwifery. 

Now, after almost 14 years with the program, we bid farewell and congratulations on her new role with UBC Centre for Migration Studies, as Operations Manager. From UBC Faculty of Medicine to UBC Faculty of Arts.

Tracey was responsible for keeping many elements of the UBC Midwifery machine running, helping the program navigate change and growth and was the mainstay of archiving and corporate memory for Midwifery. She was known across the Health Professions Programs as the person to go to when something was needed from Midwifery. We will greatly miss Tracey with her calm wit, good humour, and steady forward attitude.