Carty, Elaine

MSN, CNM, DSc (hc)

Professor Emerita


Pronouns: she/her/hers


Over the years, Elaine Carty’s research and scholarship work has focused on changing the healthcare system to meet women’s needs. She has been active in the efforts towards the regulation of midwifery for 40 years, studied the integration of midwives into the BC health care system and was the founding Director of the Midwifery Program at the University of British Columbia. Other research focused on early postpartum discharge from the hospital, women’s experiences of long-term antenatal hospitalization, resources for women with disabilities and the impact of drug advertising on women’s health.

In June 2023, Elaine was inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF). An esteemed recognition that honours individuals whose outstanding contributions to and leadership in medicine and health sciences have led to extraordinary improvements in human health.

See the CMHF’s tribute to Elaine, describing her many contributions to the professionalization of midwifery in BC, along with a timeline of her career and contributions here:


Yale University, CNM
University of New Brunswick, BSN (Nursing)
Yale University, MSN (Nursing)
McMaster University, DSc
Professional Affiliations
Midwives Association of British Columbia , (Honorary)
College of Midwives of British Columbia , (Honorary)
Canadian Association of Midwives Educators Group


Simon Fraser University, 2004, Master of Arts in Sociology
University of British Columbia, 2006, Bachelor of Midwifery

Professional Affiliations

Canadian Association for Midwifery Education (CAMEd), Secretary
Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM), Member
Midwives Association of BC (MABC), Member
Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES), Member
BC Women’s Hospital, Medical Staff
Burnaby Hospital, Medical Staff
Pomegranate Community Midwives, Registered Midwife


UBC Alumni 2022 Achievement Awards

Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Inductee 2023

Presentations & Publications

Pubmed Articles

Please find a complete list of publications below that are not accessible via Pubmed:

Peer-reviewed publications:

2012 Fairbrother N, Stoll K, Schummers L, Carty E. (2012). Obstetrician, family physician, or midwife: Preferences of the next generation of maternity care consumers. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research & Practice; Accepted November, 2011; in press.

2012 Carty E. (2012). Educating midwives with the world’s first simulator: Madame du Coudray’s eighteenth century mannequin. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research & Practice, 9(1): 35-39.

2009 Hall WA, Hauck YL, Carty EM, Hutton EK, Fenwick J, Stoll K. (2009). Childbirth fear, anxiety, fatigue, and sleep deprivation in pregnant women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 38(5): 567-576.

2009 Stoll K, Fairbrother N, Carty E, Jordan N, Miceli C, Vostrcil Y, Willihnganz L. (2009). “It’s all the rage these days”: University students’ attitudes toward vaginal and cesarean birth. Birth, 36(2): 133-140.

2009 McBurney S, Carty E. (2009). Using multiple mini-interviews to assess nursing school applicants. The Canadian Nurse, 105(1): 8-10.

2006 Janssen PA, Still DK, Klein MC, Singer J, Carty EA, Liston RM, Zupancic JA. (2006). Early labour assessment and support at home versus telephone triage: A randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 108(6): 1463-1469.

2006 Hall WA, Saunders RA, Clauson M, Carty EM, Janssen PA. (2006). Effects of an intervention aimed at reducing night waking and signaling in 6- to 12-month-old infants. Behave Sleep Med, 4(4): 242-261.

2006 Palmer L, Carty E.(2006). Deciding when it’s labor: The experience of women who have received antepartum care at home for preterm labor. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 35(4): 509-515.

2006 Hall W, Clauson M, Carty E, Janssen P, Saunders R. (2006). Effects on parents of an intervention to resolve infant behavioral sleep problems. Pediatr Nurs, 32(3): 243-250.

2006 Janssen P, Carty E, Reime B. (2006). Satisfaction and planned place of birth among midwifery clients. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 51(2): 91-97.

2003 Peppin P, Carty E. (2003). Signs of inequality: Constructing disability in antidepressant drug advertising. Health Law Journal, 11(Special Edition): 161-184.

2003 Janssen PA, Iker CE, Carty EA. (2003). Early labour assessment and support at home: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada, 25(9): 734-741.

2003 Kornelsen J, Dahinten VS, Carty E. (2003). On the road to collaboration: Nurses and newly regulated midwives in British Columbia, Canada. J Midwifery Womens Health, 48(2): 126-132.

2002 Klein M, Johnston S, Christilaw J, Carty E.(2002). Mothers, babies, and communities: Centralizing maternity care exposes mothers and babies to complications and endangers community sustainability. Can Fam Physician, 48(7): 1177-9, 1183-5.

2002 Kornelsen J, Dahinten VS, Carty E, Gillespie EM. (2002). Physicians attitudes towards midwifery in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice, 1(1): 6-12.

2001 Peppin P, Carty E. (2001). Innovation, myths and equality: Constructing drug knowledge in research. Sydney Law Review, 23(4): 543-576.

2001 Peppin P, Carty E. (2001). Semiotics, stereotypes and women’s health: Signifying inequality in drug advertising. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, 13: 326-360.

Non peer-reviewed

2009-12 Carty E. Writes a short article on an artist or artistic theme for the centerfold of each issue of the Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. To date the topics have been: Paula Modersohn-Becker, Louise Bourgeois, Midwives in Renaissance Italy, Frida Kahlo, The Beauty of Sculpture.

2002 Carty E. Health care for women with disabilities in British Columbia. Disability, pregnancy and parenthood international, 40: 11.

2001 Kornelsen J, Carty E. Challenges of integration: Perspectives on the regulation of midwifery in British Columbia. Centres of Excellence for Women’s Health Research Bulletin, 1(2): 15-16.


Research Interests

1) Examination of the beliefs and attitudes of university students around childbearing

2) The use of humanities (art, poetry, and literature) in health professional education and practice.

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