Duran, Cecilia


Lecturer, 3rd Year Lead Faculty

Email: cecilia.duran@ubc.ca

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Cecilia fell in love with midwifery when her best friend asked her to attend her first son’s birth at home. She became a doula and then earned a Masters in Midwifery and Women’s Health from Yale University in 2018. She worked as a midwife in one of New York City’s public hospitals until March 2022 when her family decided to immigrate to BC. Cecilia is also a Certified Lactation Support Counsellor.

She considers it an honor to care for and guide families from pregnancy to postpartum. Cecilia is passionate about supporting families through these immensely important transitions in their lives. Her experiences as an immigrant and a parent inform her approach to fully informed and whole person care.

Cecilia has been a newcomer and immigrant at various times in her life. She was born and raised in México City until age 16, when her family moved to the US. And now with her own family has made the transition to new lives in Canada. She is fluent in Spanish.

Outside of midwifery Cecilia’s life is busy caring for young children and exploring all that BC has to offer.


Boston University:
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, 2004. Phi Beta Kappa.

Yale University:
Master of Science in Nursing, specializing in Midwifery and Women’s Health, 2018. Sigma Theta.



305 Midwifery Theory for Variations in Primary Care
320 Midwifery Clinical Care – Variations of Normal

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