Ellis, Cathy


Associate Professor of Teaching Emerita

Email: cathy.ellis@ubc.ca

Phone: 604–822–2680

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Dr. Ellis, originally from Saskatchewan, has been teaching in UBC’s Midwifery Program since becoming faculty in 2004. Her special interest in global midwifery and global maternal infant healthcare has motivated her to work alongside and teach community-level and university-trained midwives in Mexico, Nicaragua, Kosovo, Zambia, Uganda, Bangladesh and Nepal. Cathy has developed a global maternal-infant health theory and practice course for UBC Midwifery and other health science students. Cathy teaches and examines in all years of the UBC program and in courses for midwives such as NRP and Midwives Emergency Skills Program. In 2019, she earned her doctoral degree at Simon Fraser University in Health Sciences (Global Health) focusing on access to midwifery care in remote Nepal. Cathy is the UBC lead for CAM’s Strengthening Midwifery Education and Practice in Somalia.


Simon Fraser University, 2019, PhD (Health Sciences, Global Health)
University of Saskatchewan, 1995, Masters of Science (Community Health and Epidemiology)
SIAST , 1990, Diploma (Nursing)
University of Regina, 1976, Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree (Visual Arts)


Courses (Past)

MIDW 360 Global Maternal Infant Health
MIDW 370 Global Clinical Placement


Research Interests

Safe Motherhood, Global Midwifery

Publications and Presentations

(a) Journals

Ellis C, Larson CP, Bicaba F, Bicaba A, Nguyen A, Ramdé J, Otis A. Measurement of self-reported, facility-based JoGH © 2022 ISoGH labour and birth experiences: The Perinatal Experience Assessment Tool (PEAT). J Glob Health 2022;12:04103.

Begum T, Ellis C, Sarkar M, Rostoker JF, Rahman A, Anwar I, Reichenbach L. (2018). A qualitative study to explore the attitudes of women and obstetricians towards caesarean delivery in rural Bangladesh. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. Sept 12:18(1):368. doi: 10.1186/s12884-018-1993-9.

Mildenberger C, Ellis C, Lee K. (2017) Neonatal Resuscitation Training for Midwives in Uganda: Strengthening Skill and Knowledge Retention.” Midwifery. Vol 50, p.36-41.

Bacon, A, Ellis C, Rostoker J.F., Olaro, A. (2014). Exploring the role of midwives in Uganda’s post-abortion care: Current practice, barriers & solutions. International Journal of Childbirth. Vol 4 Issue 1.

Ellis C, Schummers L, Stoll K. (2013). Evaluation of the Educational and Professional Experiences of Midwifery Program Graduates in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. Volume 12, issue 1

Ellis C, Schummers L, Rostoker M. (2011). Reducing maternal mortality in Uganda: Applying the “three delays” framework. International Journal of Childbirth, 1(4): 218-226(9).

Ellis C, Rostoker M (2009). UBC Nurse and Midwifery Two-year Project in Uganda. Report prepared for the Center for International Child Health.

Ellis C. (2008). “Here it is not like at home”: Cross-cultural competencies for midwives. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice, 7(3).

(b) Invited presentations

Prevention and Identification of Maternal infections Globally (a Midwife’s Role)

Teaching Integration of Shamans (Dhamis) to Maternity Care in remote Nepal.  Society for Applied Anthropology Conference. Santa Fe New Mexico. March 27, 2024.

“We are here to support each other’s work.” Supportive supervision in midwifery education in Somalia and Somaliland. For ICM 2023.Cathryn Ellis, Fatima Abdirabi, Rosine Rugorirwera, Jama Ali Egal, Angela Moore, Marian Nur, Moya Crangle, Katrina Blommaert. (accepted but not presented due to Somali author not able to get a visa)

Birthing Positions to Prevent Tears. For ICM, June 2022 (multi-lingual and hands-on workshop), leading team of 7. Dr J.F. Rostoker, Sophia Tageya, Asibazuyo Beatrice Monday, Katrina Bloomaert, Stacey Waggoner, Kriti Chaudhary, Prasansha Budha.

Teaching Midwifery Hands-On Skills Online. Examples from the UBC Bridging Program. Recorded for “November” CAM Conference Online. Nov 5, 2020.

Special Delivery: Adaptation of the Midwifery Emergency Skills Program Online. CAM-Ed Conference, October 13. Online.

Special Delivery: Adaptation of the Midwifery Emergency Skills Program Online. CHES Conference, UBC. October 7. Online.

Mixed methods research: Midwifery services and culturally safe birthing practices in remote Nepal: Canadian Association of Midwives Conference, Halifax, October 2019

Monitoring the quality of maternity services for marginalized Nepalese women: a mixed methods approach. Canadian Society for International Health. Ottawa, October, 2019

Preserving cultural safety in maternity care: research from remote mountainous Nepal. Society for Applied Anthropology in Portland, Oregon, March 2019.  

Can rural midwives save lives? Assessment of quality of care in a remote mountainous area of Nepal. Canadian Association of Midwives Conference. Gatineau, Que. Oct 17 – 19, 2018.

Presentation: A Global Midwifery Placement: But is it Ethical? International Confederation of Midwives. Toronto, June, 2017

Poster: Ellis C, Begum,T, Shaheen A, Rostoker M. Using supportive Supervision and Monitoring to Increase Quality of Care in Two Rural Public Hospitals in Bangladesh. International Confederation of Midwives, Toronto. June, 2017

Presentation: Traditional Birthing Practices and Customs in Solu, Nepal. Society for Applied Anthropology. Santa Fe, New Mexico. April 1, 2017.

Keynote Speaker: Improving Mothers and Newborns Health Through Midwifery Care. Second National Midwifery Conference. Kathmandu, Nepal. May 4,5, 2016.

Presentation: Reaching out to Rural and Remote Midwives Through Interprofessional Collaboration. Midwifery Society of Nepal. Second National Midwifery Conference. Kathmandu, Nepal. May 4,5, 2016.

Keynote Speaker: Reaching to unreached women: Strengthening midwifery services post-earthquake in-line with the policy decision 2006 in Nepal. Second National Midwifery Conference. Kathmandu, Nepal. 2015.

Poster: Nine Years in Uganda: A Global Midwifery Program. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. 2015

Presentation: A Scoping review: ‘Access to Skilled Birth Attendants in rural S.E. Asia’. November, 2014, Kathmandu Nepal.

Presentation: A Scoping review: ‘Access to Skilled Birth Attendants in rural S.E. Asia’ UBC Family Practice Research Workshop, 2014.

Presentation: A Scoping review: ‘Access to Skilled Birth Attendants in rural S.E. Asia’. Simon Fraser University. Knowledge into Action: A Collective Effort for better Health. Jan 25, 26, 2014.

Presentation. Partnerships in Global Midwifery care. Canadian Association of Midwives National Conference: Ottawa, November, 2013.

Workshop. Selected by Canadian Association of Midwives for: “Global Midwifery, the Roles We Play.” North American Midwifery Conference. Niagara Falls. Ontario, November 2011.

Poster: Evaluation of the Education Experiences of Midwifery Program Graduates of British Columbia. North American Midwifery Conference. Niagara Falls. Ontario, November, 2011.

Poster: Factors Contributing to Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Among Hospital-based Midwives in Uganda. (2nd author with Rhonda-Stevens-Anderson, Anne Apoko Olaro and Monica Odella). North American Midwifery Conference. Niagara falls, Ontario, November, 2011.

Poster: Reducing Perinatal Mortality in Ugandan through a Midwifery Partnership. Canadian Society for International Health Conference, November 2011.

Co-presenter: Strengthening midwives and midwifery practice. International Confederation of Midwives Conference. Durban S. Africa, June 2011.

Reducing neo-natal mortality through professional mentorship: Canadian and Ugandan midwives in partnership. International Confederation of Midwives Conference. Durban S. Africa, June 2011.

Home Alone or Institutional Neglect: Choice of Location of Birth in Developing Countries. Paper accepted for Canadian Association of Midwives National Conference: Edmonton, Oct, 2010

Poster: Nurse-Midwifery Units Maintain Normal Birth: Normal Birth International Conference, Vancouver, July 2010

Poster: Students learn to Normalize Birth Though Global Practicums. Normal Birth International Conference, Vancouver, July 2010

Abstract: Students learn to normalize birth though global practicums. Normal Birth International Conference, Vancouver, July 2010

Abstract: Nurse-Midwifery Led Units Maintain normal Birth. Normal Birth International Conference, Vancouver, July 2010

(c) Grants

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