
Preceptors are the backbone of the UBC Midwifery Program and essential to the future of the profession. UBC Midwifery works in partnership with our clinical practice educators to produce highly skilled midwives. We acknowledge with deep gratitude our preceptors’ outstanding commitment and significant contributions to the growth of our profession. 

UBC Midwifery preceptors include midwives and other health-care professionals. We estimate that our students spend over 2000 hours (about 2 and a half months) in community settings, immersed in clinical life under the guidance of skilled providers. Here, students apply their academic and lab learning to real-life experiences. Every encounter within a clinical teaching environment creates space and opportunity for, within a clinical teaching environment, the experiences and receive the feedback we all need to grow. 

Teaching learners in a busy clinical practice setting can be challenging. There are layers of complexity to juggling the demands of a busy practice and scheduling time to spend with learners. We understand there are competing priorities. The work of Midwives is challenging and rewarding. We are often called to provide excellent care in demanding situations. We hope to create pathways for levelling the opportunities for all midwives to find a way to participate in teaching our learners. We wish to invite clinicians to consider their role in sustaining and growing our profession so we can all flourish.  

Please review the Teaching Philosophy on our about page.

The preceptorship model involves three people: the midwife preceptor, the student, and the faculty member. Communication between students, preceptors, and faculty members is key to the success of the preceptorship.

Roles and responsibilities of the preceptor, student, and faculty member: 


The preceptor is a registered midwife who shares knowledge and skills with the student while modeling professional practice. 

The preceptor should be enthusiastic about teaching and keen to support students beginning their transition to newly graduated midwives. Preceptors assist in identifying learning opportunities, supervising the student, and providing timely, ongoing, and constructive feedback to the student. 

The preceptor also plays a vital role in creating supportive learning environments, assessing the learning needs of students, and helping the students determine learning goals. Preceptors complete a minimum of one feedback evaluation.


The student is responsible for understanding the objectives of the course and for creating learning goals specific to the midwifery practice area of their preceptorship experience. 

Students are required to follow BCCNM practice standards, maintain professional behaviour, and to be aware of and practice within the limits of their practice. ensure clear and consistent communication with the preceptor and faculty member. 

Students are encouraged to seek out learning opportunities and ask for more assistance and support as needed. Students are responsible for completing orientation assignments, clinical encounter entries, and completing their evaluations.


The faculty member is a liaison between the preceptor and the student. The faculty supports the preceptor and student, guides course expectations and objectives, and assists in navigating any challenges that may arise. 

The faculty member will connect with the student and preceptor throughout the preceptorship via in person visits or phone conversations. Preceptors and students should know that they can contact the faculty member and additional support as needed. The faculty member is responsible for signing off on the student’s final evaluation. 

The final evaluation is based on preceptor feedback, student practice exemplars, and evidence that the student has met the outlined expectations. 

If you are interested in preceptorship, please review:  

  • Preceptor Application Form 
  • Orientation/Training 
  • FoM Clinical Faculty Appointment 

Preceptor Application 

Please complete and submit the Preceptor Application. For any questions, please contact Lead – Clinical Placement Coordinator Kayley Redgers


All UBC Midwifery preceptors require clinical faculty appointments and to undertake orientation/training. 


UBC Preventing and Addressing Workplace Bullying and Harassment Training . [20 mins followed by a quiz] 

Coming soon! 

Watch for the NEW BC Midwifery Practice Education Training.’ These resources will provide training and education built to support the teacher and the learner. Midwives will be able to access the resource at any time. Our goal is to provide the building blocks for practice education excellence that will inspire and support our clinical faculty to have the competence and confidence to work with our learners. Our mandate is also to grow opportunities within the undergraduate program to foster our graduates to identify as teachers.

Faculty of Medicine (FoM) Clinical Faculty Appointment 

Please see the Clinical Faculty page for instructions found at the bottom of the page.